Southeast Art Party member Anneliese Dodds called for an amendment to the annual parliamentary competition report released in January. The proposal received 476 votes in favor and 156 votes against. Voting may force the European Commission to initiate an investigation.
Dodds argues that Formula 1 teams are "unfairly punished" on bonus distribution.
Indian forces finished fourth in the last year, and in 2015 it and Sauber filed complaints against the European Union. The last season at the bottom of the Mano team announced in January bankruptcy, is unlikely to be able to participate in the next season.
"I am delighted that this year the European Parliament supports my proposal to launch an anti-competitive investigation of F1 immediately," Dodds added.
Dodds also expressed his recent move to the Free Media Group's £ 6.4bn buying campaign. FIA, F1 in charge of the group, will be profitable.